Cable TV became accessible to the American population in 1948. From the 1970s to the 1980s Cable TV experienced massive growth in popularity and its peaked in the US in 2000. Losing their subscribers can be dated back to 2013 which has been widening from 2014 to date. Compared to the predictions of the industry, Cable TV is not totally dead as its death is a slow but inevitable one. According to Forbes by 2021 27% of US households are likely to stop using Cable and by 2022 according to eMarketer there will be over 55 million cord cutters and by 2024 35% of households are expected to have cut the cord. However, some demographics are more resistant to change as some successful cable networks are more appealing to older audiences. The truth is cable TV have lost its appeal and the younger generation would prefer to stream on their device (phones, tablets, laptops, etc) than sit in front of a TV. Cable TV is experiencing a turbulent time as many factors come to play and displace it from its seat in the competitive market.

What Could Have Made Millions To Cut The Cord?/ Reasons Or Factors Why Cable TV Is Dying.

  1. High competition by numerous streaming services

  2. Easier, flexible, and more convenient 

Imagine being stuck to one place to watch your favorite show or having to pay for shows you don’t watch, that’s the case with cable TV. With cable TV, it is more expensive as you get to pay for shows you don’t care about. Between 1995 to 2005, there had been increasing in Cable TV bills three times faster than inflation. This has made Cable TV users unwilling to pay altogether. But with the coming of streaming TV, you pay for what you want to watch, it is cheaper and so people were running away from Cable TV Streaming TV.

  1. Other options came where you can watch your favorite shows anytime, anywhere at your own convenience. You can watch the shows you want, carry your device around, skip advertisements, backward, forward, or pause your shows and even add subtitles. Isn’t that incredible? Cable TV is massively great but who wouldn’t go after what is more comfortable and flexible? Cable TV needs to step up in their game to at least stay longer on stage even if they will not win the battle.


In conclusion, Cable TV was once upon a time the most popular and used television but today we are witnessing its downfall. Life is dynamic they say and we are constantly evolving with different inventions here and there that are making old or traditional inventions fade as the years go by. Cable TV was great but there are other better choices to make today. We hope that Cable TV will be able to work on themselves so as to remain in the game.

  1. Is using cable still worth it?

Cable TV has a lot of advantages such as you won’t rely on Internet, if you are a sports fan, you would want to have a cable TV because it enable you to watch live sports and all the drama that comes with it, also you can order for pay-per-view events such as boxing, new movies even before they are available on other streaming television. 

  1. Will cable TV have a comeback?

The resurgence of cable tv is very slim. Cable TV prices will likely not go up due to the recent decline in the industry’s subscribers but other streaming services such as Netflix are increasing their prices, even with this development, there is little hope for cable TV. 

  1. What measures are cable TV taking to stay competitive against streaming services?

Cable operators have started launching their own streaming services such as Comcast and they are also trying to build wireless mostly WiFi networks to enable easy accessibility by their customers while away from home. Single billing and more aggressive sales tactics are other measures.