It takes a special friendship to make two comic book superheroes every bit as famous as partners as they were in their solo series, but Cable and Deadpool are anything but ordinary. And with Deadpool set to invade the mutant homeland of Krakoa, Marvel confirms a good old-fashioned Cable team-up is coming. Just… not the one fans expect.

The obvious fine print on this heartwarming reunion is that the Cable who spent countless years and multiple missions at Deadpool’s side is dead and gone – blasted at point blank before the X-Men relaunch made death meaningless. Normally that would mean heartbreak and horror for his old friend Deadpool when he learns the truth. But considering it was actually a young version of Cable who committed the murder, and it’s that young Cable now destined to collide with Deadpool, the stage has been set for exactly the kind of lunacy fans expect of writer Gerry Duggan.

While speaking with Duggan about his new Cable series with artist Phil Noto, the writer promised fans the start of “an important new era in Cable’s history.” While few would have dared to hope that meant a crossover with Deadpool in Cable #3, that is exactly what Marvel has announced to be on the way. And while it might seem likely that Wade Wilson would want to punish the young Cable for murdering his old friend, the plot synopsis suggests a far deeper connection. Deadpool might miss the Cable of the past… but could he fight destiny itself, uniting him by chance with this new, more impressionable, less grizzled Cable? Before we get too excited, check out the official cover art and synopsis below:

As beloved as Cable and Deadpool may have been, readers got plenty of the odd couple to enjoy at the time. And while some will be sure to compare the new dynamic and chemistry directly, it’s hard not to get excited at what Duggan has made possible, along with the rest of the X-Men relaunch. Deadpool is on a tear of being rejected and ostracized by Marvel’s heroes, and is surely in need of a friendly face (even if it is younger than he remembers). And who wouldn’t want to see Cable meet Deadpool all over again, before years of brutal battle had destroyed his sense of fun completely? If a destined friendship is what Duggan and Noto are out to prove, this is one story fans of either hero won’t want to miss.

Old buddies Cable and Deadpool will be reunited for the very first time this May in CABLE #3! Deadpool considers Cable one of his best friends, but the young star of this new ongoing series will be a very different Cable than the one he remembers. Not yet the grizzled old veteran Deadpool has teamed up with in the past, Nathan Summers will be meeting Deadpool for the first time in an adventure that will prove that this is one friendship that is destined to be!

Cable #1 will arrive in your local comic book shop on March 11th, with Deadpool coming to crash the party in Cable #3 in May 2020.

MORE: Deadpool Just Became The BATMAN Who Laughs (Seriously)

Source: Marvel