Don’t be carried away by the pictures

Check the product listing

Every detail about the diamond should be found in the product listing if not, check the next vendor. The product listing should show the gem type, whether natural or synthetic, the setting, the cut, color, carat weight, certificate type, warranty, metal material, type, and quality (if you are buying a diamond ring).

Know the four Cs of diamond

The 4Cs- cut, color, clarity, and carat- are the factors used to grade a diamond’s quality. In-depth knowledge of them will help you target your search better using their characteristics.

Rather than performing a random search through the thousands of listings, search for popular brands like Swarovski, Anne Klein, etc., as you can be sure of the quality of the diamonds you get from them.

Check for real customer reviews

Some vendors pay people to write reviews for them or even do it themselves. You can find such out by the lack of product details, the vague praise given the product, and the high percentage of five stars given to it. A genuine review will talk about some of the details they liked or didn’t like with the product.

Look for certified diamonds

If a diamond is certified, it will be indicated in the product listing. Although a certified diamond- natural r lab-grown- is usually more expensive, the quality is also higher, and you’ll be sure that you are getting the real thing and not some look-alike.

Where is the best place to buy diamonds online?

Bottom line

The return policy for diamonds depends on the vendor as some may not accept returns while others do.