It was announced Shannon would be joining the Destiny team today by Bungie on their community site and Shannon on Reddit. In his introduction post on the Bungie’s website Shannon said that he had been part of Bungie’s communities since the Halo days, making him a long time member of one of the most contentious community relationships in gaming.

Bungie seems to hope that bringing a member of the community like Shannon into the fold will help them get a better judge of what players want. Especially after the explosion of anger towards the upcoming Taken King expansion; that many fans felt community manager “DeeJ” handled poorly. A quick peek at r/destinythegame shows they’ve made a good choice in a new community manager.


Shanon started the subreddit in 2012 and has grown it into one of the most comprehensive places on the internet for players to learn about and discuss Destiny. Sadly his move to Bungie means he will be leaving the subreddit but says its in capable hands. Shannon seems to geuinely believe he can help the communities voice be heard saying:

This has been an area that community manager “DeeJ” admitted Bungie has been dropping the ball on. It will be interesting to see if Shannon can actually become the voice that Destiny players are sorely lacking. It’s a tough position, especially with an explosive community like Destiny’s

Source: Bungie/ Reddit r/destinythegame