Over the course of 7 seasons, Buffy The Vampire Slayer reinvented science fiction television with a show that was warm, witty, thrilling, scary, and ultimately, fun to watch. It followed the life of Buffy Summers as she navigated high school, college, and then the real world, all the while battling demons and saving the world. A lot.

During Buffy’s run, many characters were introduced. Some helped the Chosen One, while some actively tried to kill her on multiple occasions. For such a beloved series, though, the body count was surprisingly high, and we can’t even blame all of that on the bad guys.

As not only on-screen deaths will be taken into consideration, these rankings will be based on the information available about the characters and their pasts. Also, one-off monsters will be omitted.

The Scooby Gang

If you gather together all members of the Scooby Gang and add up their total number of kills, the Scooby Gang suddenly starts to look like a gang that nobody would want to mess with. Every single member has killed at least one demon/vampire/person since they first met Buffy (even Cordelia staked a vampire right before she moved to LA).

The leader of the Scoobies, Buffy, has quite rightly earned her very own entry later on in this list; however, it was only right to acknowledge how many things the Slayer’s friends had killed during the show. Despite them all being on the side of good, they have amassed quite a high body count over the years.

Faith Lehane

Faith is arguably one of the best characters to come out of Buffy. Fierce and independent, yet burdened with a need to belong, Faith made her debut in the Season 3 episode “Faith, Hope, And Trick.” Faith originally started out as an ally to Buffy and the Scooby Gang, amassing an impressive amount of kills as a Slayer.

However, when she turns to the dark side, Faith becomes more ruthless and alienates herself from her friends. Surprisingly, though, her kill count didn’t particularly increase, She attempted to kill most of the Scooby Gang but was unsuccessful, which is why she didn’t rank higher on this list.

Buffy Summers

This may be a surprise to some of you reading this article but kill count doesn’t just apply to the bad guys. With all the years that Buffy had been a Vampire Slayer, her total body count was well into the hundreds by the time the television series had ended. And that’s not even including Buffy’s kills prior to the pilot.

Buffy’s destiny as a Vampire Slayer provided her with many enviable gifts, such as premonition, super strength, and the ability to think up amazing one-liners while fighting off hordes of vampires and demons. But it also means that death is her constant companion; it’s even in the title. They may deserve it, but Buffy has killed many supernatural beings over the years.

Anya Jenkins

Anya is a fan-favorite character from Buffy, mainly due to her hilarious insights into the human psyche and her sarcastic, cutting remarks. However, for the majority of Anya’s time on the show, she was human. Viewers didn’t often get to see Anya as a fully functioning Vengeance Demon, so it was always a treat when Buffy showed glimpses of Anya’s dark side.

Anya was directly responsible for the Dark Sunnydale plot in Season 3, which killed so many beloved characters. In a flashback later on in the series, she and Halfrek were in St Petersburg in 1905, where Anya had sparked a revolution, leading to yet more deaths. Impressive work, to be fair.


Drusilla is an infamous vampire who probably has the most tragic and horrific backstory of any Buffy character. When Angel was still Angelus, he developed an obsession with Drusilla and, instead of killing her outright, he subjected her to the worst mental torture possible, eventually driving her insane. Angelus then sired Drusilla, meaning her torment would be eternal.

Thanks to Angelus’s vile machinations, Drusilla became one of the most dangerous vampires around at that time. Not only was she a soulless monster, but she was also completely crazy and even had the occasional vision of the future. She used all these characteristics to kill innocent people for centuries.


Darla is one of the most complex vampires in Buffy, and considering the competition, that’s really saying something. Darla was sired by the Master back in the early 17th century and was one of his most loyal followers for decades. Until she met Liam, that is. Darla saw something in that young man and so she sired him, and Liam became Angelus.

Thanks to Angelus, Darla’s loyalty to the Master was tested and she left him to travel and kill with her vampire lover. Angelus and Darla were such a power couple, they eventually formed the vampire group known as the Whirlwind. As Darla presumably killed thousands of people during her time as a vampire, she scores this high of a place on this list.


Another member of the infamous Whirlwind, Spike was first introduced in Buffy’s second season and acted as an antagonist for most of his time on the show. Whereas the Master had been a fairly decent villain, his long speeches and his basic impotence lessened his ability to be considered a valid threat. Thankfully, Spike had no such limitations.

Spike waltzed into Sunnydale in the third episode of Season 2 and he immediately made a massive impact. He launched a full attack on Buffy’s school, killed the Anointed One and, most importantly, it was revealed that he had already killed two Slayers. Not to mention all of Spike’s other victims over the last couple of hundred years. Spike earned the title of William the Bloody.

The Master

The Master is one of the oldest vampires in existence. No one is quite sure when he became a vampire, but he had already lost his human features when he sired Darla. Before getting trapped beneath Sunnydale while trying to open the Hellmouth and initiate Hell on Earth, the Master was a force to be reckoned with.

Due to his incredibly long life, it’s only natural that the Master’s victims were plenty. Humans, vampires, anything was fair game to the Master if he was hungry, or if his minions had displeased him in some way. In Dark Sunnydale, the Master had escaped his mystical prison and was even developing more efficient means of killing.


Angelus was the biggest, baddest Big Bad of them all. Almost everyone and everything was terrified of him, and with good reason. Angelus was the most brutal, sadistic, and cruel vampire the world had ever seen, and he took great pleasure in torturing some of his victims relentlessly before he inevitably killed them.

When Angel became Angelus again in the late 20th century, every time Angelus killed someone, it was a lot more devastating than before. Every death signaled to Buffy and her friends that he was doing this to mess with their heads. He killed their classmates, teachers, and friends, all just to freak the Scoobies out.

The First Evil

Angelus almost took the top spot, but when there exists an entity so old and terrible that it’s responsible for all the bad things that have ever happened in the universe, you kind of have to give credit where it’s due. The First Evil made its debut in the Season 3 episode “Amends,” where it proved to be a formidable opponent, to say the least.

Since the First has been around since the very beginning, the amount of people it has killed has got to be frighteningly high. Although it can’t take corporeal form, it has been shown to kill by inciting suicide, using minions, and planting evil into the minds and hearts of every single human being since the dawn of time.