Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the most inventive and entertaining sitcoms in recent years. It has a unique sense of humor, and thanks to its quirky, yet loveable cast, it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Originally cancelled by Fox after its 5th season, NBC revived the show for Season 6 and have commissioned two further seasons.

This is an incredible feat but it proves just how loved the show is. Part of that is due to the show’s ability to portray some of the best relationships on television, with each main character getting their own chance to shine. However, there are some other couples on B99 which weren’t as successful.

Worst - Amy And Teddy

At first sight, one would think these two would be perfect together. They’re both very much focused on their work, and they take pride in being extremely well organized, meaning that they often get excited over things other people would find boring. However, it turns out that Teddy was too dull even for Amy Santiago.

The couple had a good run, as they dated exclusively for about 6 months, but eventually, Amy grew weary of the relationship and planned to break it off with Teddy. However, Jake made things a lot more awkward by inviting Amy and Teddy to a couple’s retreat. This relationship was fairly tame, but it did lead to Jake and Amy becoming closer.

Best - Hitchcock And Scully

So these two aren’t in a relationship, but for all other intents and purposes, they are such a couple. They share the same likes and interests, and they’re never seen to be away from each other, even for a second. Their love of food is what bonds them together, and it’s also one of the things that makes them weirdly adorable.

Granted, they’re not very good police officers, as they mainly stay at their desks for most episodes, and are frequently shown to be grossly incompetent. However, the series has gone on record as saying that they are actually incredibly good at filling out paperwork when they can be bothered. Their antics as a couple though, is why they’re remembered by fans.

Worst - Jake And Sophia

Jake and Sophia’s relationship was a complicated one at best. They went out on a date and actually really enjoyed each other’s company. They had similar interests and they seemed perfect for one another. However, it was later revealed in the episode that Sophia was a defense attorney. In the world of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, cops and lawyers are bitter enemies.

After a particularly brutal and hilarious court case (which Sophia won), Jake reluctantly asked Sophia out, which she accepted. However, their relationship was always on shaky footing, and viewers knew it wouldn’t last, which is perhaps why they never really bought Jake and Sophia as a couple.

Best - Boyle And Genevieve

Although this couple isn’t often seen on screen together, their presence is often felt in most seasons. They first met in the courthouse, where they started talking and realized that they both had a lot in common. Unfortunately, when Boyle went to get her number, Genevieve had just been arrested for stealing priceless artwork.

Fortunately for her and Boyle, she was being framed and so the two were free to start a relationship together. Genevieve was everything that Boyle had ever wanted and they even went on to start their own family, eventually adopting a young boy called Nikolaj, who Boyle absolutely adores.

Worst - Rosa And Marcus

Admittedly, Rosa and Marcus were fairly adorable together and it was nice to see and different side to Rosa, who is usually very deadpan and secretive. Through Marcus, viewers saw Rosa open up, and even smile occasionally. However, there were still many drawbacks to this relationship.

Rosa is not exactly the most open and emotional person in the sitcom. In fact, she has been known to lie to her colleagues and friends about multiple aspects of her private life. In contrast, Marcus is incredibly happy and smiley and, most of all, incredibly emotional. Initially, this helped Rosa to come out of her shell more, but eventually, it became too much for her and they broke up.

Best - Terry And Sharon

Like Charles and Genevieve, these two aren’t often seen together onscreen, which on lesser TV shows, would make viewers doubt the validity of their relationship. However, from the way Terry speaks of his wife, and from Sharon’s past appearances on the series, it is clear that this couple absolutely adore each other.

On their first date, they spoke exclusively about Meatloaf (the singer) and eventually they got married and had to twin girls, Cagney and Lacey. It was the birth of his daughters that made Terry reluctant to go out in the field again but he eventually got over this, with the support of his loving wife. They may occasionally argue but really, this couple was built to last.

Worst - Charles And Gina

These two never progressed beyond a sexual relationship and, to be fair, it was funny seeing this couple sleep together throughout the show’s second season. However, there was no real point to this relationship, other than the initial shock of seeing them in bed together, and watching them fumble awkwardly around their colleagues.

Gina and Boyle were complete polar opposites, and that was part of the joke. However, it did make their relationship seem a bit uncomfortable at times. Boyle’s naivety and innocence made him seem like a young child, which clashed with Gina’s attitude. Gina was basically ashamed of their entire relationship, and constantly put Boyle down whenever she got a chance.

Best - Jake And Amy

This is probably the main relationship of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and deservedly so. It was clear that Jake and Amy were attracted to each other from the moment they appeared in the pilot, but neither of them was ready to admit it. However, over the course of the first season, Jake realized he had a crush on Amy.

The two detectives were the complete opposites of each other, with Jake being carefree and dopey, and Amy obsessed with details and a control freak. However, they complemented each other beautifully and eventually got together in Season 2. They got married in the Season 5 finale and have even gone on to have discussions about possible children.

Worst - Rosa And Pimento

Adrian Pimento was first introduced in Season 3 as an undercover cop who had just come out of his latest assignment, which had lasted 12 years. Pimento was emotionally scarred by this experience and was in a very dark place, which was what attracted Rosa. They then embarked on a very weird, very sensual relationship.

Unfortunately, as a character, Pimento was just too crazy, even for the 99th precinct. His violent behavior and controlling personality was supposed to be funny but just came across as uncomfortable and irritating. He also took the spotlight away from the main cast. We love Rosa but she deserves to be with someone who doesn’t annoy the pants off us.

Best - Holt And Kevin

Raymond and Kevin are such couple goals, it’s actually insane. It is also extremely refreshing to have a gay main character in a mainstream television show, which is unfortunately still a rarity even in 2019. However, this couple has a lot more going for it, other than the fact that Kevin and Holt are both men.

They are so supportive of each other, and they respect each other deeply. They also share inside jokes with the other that no one else can understand, due to their shared unique sense of humor. Kevin brings out Holt’s softer side, which is adorable to witness and any episodes that focus on this relationship are going to be of high quality.