Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the cop workplace comedy we never knew we needed but now can’t imagine our lives without it. There are many great romances and friendships that have come out of this show, but hands down the best relationship to root for is Jake and Amy’s.

Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago started out as work frenemies who were wildly competitive with each other. Eventually, their tentative friendship evolved into a budding romance. Now, the two are happily married and their love for each other is as strong as ever. Over the course of their courtship, there were many amazing moments between the two detectives that instantly made them relationship goals. Here are the top 15 moments of their relationship for all the Peraltiago shippers out there.

Updated October 23th, 2020 by Ian Goodwillie:If there’s one constant on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, it’s that Peraltiago just gets more and more adorable. While their relationship has its ups and downs, they’re still one of the best sitcom couples out there. And they just keep proving that point with every season that goes by.

Arguing About Having A Family

Deciding when to have kids is a difficult conversation for any couple, more so in the case of Amy and Jake. Amy thought they had discussed it before getting married but it turned out Jake misunderstood the conversation. He quite naturally thought they were talking about making a trip to a massive waterpark. Because normal people confuse waterparks and pregnancy in conversations.

This led to some tense moments between them, as did the bomb someone was threatening to set off in a hospital. Fortunately, both situations were diffused. Jake became open to the idea of kids and they had a real adult conversation about family planning while also having a real adult conversation about going to the waterpark.

Trying To Get Pregnant

For some couples, having a baby is incredibly easy. It can be so easy that they end up having multiple kids without really trying or planning to. Since Jake and Amy always seem to do things the hard way, they had nothing but problems when they decided the time was right to become parents. No matter how hard they tried, it just didn’t happen.

While they both had their doubts, Jake and Amy supported each other. They knew they wanted kids and kept at it until Amy was finally pregnant. The true test of a couple is how they handle rough patches. Jake and Amy always seem to find a way to make things work.

The Wedding Day

Few days in the lives of Peraltiago were more difficult than what went down on their wedding day. Charles ran a large ad informing the world about the date, time and location of the wedding. This had the unintended side-effect of letting a perp Amy had arrested know what was going on. He planted a bomb and disrupted the wedding. Even worse, Teddy Wells, now part of the bomb squad, showed up.

Again, Jake and Amy supported each other through everything. Jake told Amy he would marry her anytime, anywhere. Fortunately, Charles stepped in and pulled a last-minute dream wedding together in a successful attempt to redeem himself.

Amy’s Promotion

At no time was Jake’s love for Amy more apparent than when she was planning on taking the NYPD Sergeant’s Exam. It was a huge point on her life plan, one that would set her back incredibly if she screwed it up. As such, she was incredibly stressed about the situation. Amy expressed that stress through compulsive hair braiding, singing from the Great American Songbook and savagely beating microwaves.

When Amy went AWOL, Jake tracked her down with Rosa’s help. Amy took the test, and eventually found out she passed. Everyone in the office was then treated to a celebratory Amy dance. Without Jake supporting her, she might still be a detective.

Delivery Day

If Amy Santiago is going into labor, you know it’s going to be on the day a gang of criminals engineer a blackout in order to rob a few banks. And that’s exactly what ended up happening. Jake and Charles were out in the city trying to deal with an increasing number of crimes. It was looking more and more impossible that Jake would make it back to Amy in time.

Then, Charles swallowed his pride and reconciled with Lieutenant Peanut Butter, a horse he had a long-standing feud with. Lt. Peanut Butter got Jake to Amy’s side in time for the delivery. It was yet another occasion that they put in work to be their for each other, no matter what.

Their First Kiss

The first two seasons had a lot of back and forth between the two stubborn and competitive detectives. Jake realized before Amy that he had feelings for her, though it was clear that he was not alone in this.

By the Season 2 finale, they were both aware they had feelings for each other but were still reluctant to begin a relationship when they would have to continue working together. But when Captain Raymond Holt abruptly had to leave his position at the 99, emotions were running high and they finally had their first real kiss. It was the perfect way to start their love story and we were glad to see them finally act on their feelings for one another.

Jake’s Willingness To Be Demoted For Amy

At the start of Season 3, the 99th precinct had a new captain. Unfortunately, he died from a heart attack, but he was soon replaced by the infamous Vulture, who is basically the nemesis of all of the detectives, including Jake and Amy.

When the Vulture found out they were dating and conspiring to get him out of their precinct, he threatened Jake that if he didn’t break-up with Amy, he would demote him and he would no longer be a detective. Jake tried to fight it but was also willing to be demoted if it meant he could stay with Amy. It was truly an “aww” worthy moment.

The Mattress Debacle

Towards the beginning of their relationship, Amy was having trouble when sleeping over at Jake’s because his mattress was old, lumpy and altogether uncomfortable. Jake took a stand at first, saying he had no need to buy a new mattress when they were so expensive.

This caused their first real problem and argument. But ultimately, Captain Holt helped talk some sense into Jake and he realized Amy was worth buying that new mattress for. It was a symbol of how much he cared about her and was a subtle romantic moment and gesture between the two.

When Jake Let Amy Win Their Apartment Bet

In Season 4 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Jake and Amy make yet another bet, but this time it has to do with moving into the other’s apartment. Whoever lost this bet would be moving into the winner’s apartment. It was a hilarious episode that took us back to the competitive nature they’ve always had with each other, but by the end of it, when Jake and Amy were fighting to be the winner, Jake decided to let her win at a crucial moment.

He realized it didn’t matter to him if they lived in his place, as long as she was happy and he got to live with her. Plus, his place was honestly a dump compared to hers, so it worked out in the end.

Jake Became A Harry Potter Fan Because Of Amy

When we first met Jake and Amy, they seemed like polar opposites. We couldn’t fathom two completely different individuals actually managing to fall in love with one another but they did just that. Over time, their separate interests started to become mutual interests. Like Amy being so supportive of Jake’s Die Hard obsession.

But Jake took it to another level when he became seriously invested in the Harry Potter books that Amy loved so much. When Amy found out he had secretly been reading them, her bright enthusiasm about it was so sweet and Jake returned her excitement tenfold. We couldn’t help but fall a little bit more in love with them.

Amy Telling Jake She Loves Him “So Much”

In the Season 3 finale, the stakes were high for the detectives at the 99th precinct. Jake and the other detectives were trying to track down Holt who had been kidnapped at a hospital by an FBI agent that had double-crossed them. Amy and Charles Boyle were trying to get back to New York from Texas to help save him.

While on the plane, Amy is seriously concerned she’ll never get to tell Jake that she loves him “so much” if something were to happen to him. Luckily, she and Boyle make it back to not only help save the day but for Amy to tell Jake just how much she loves him. It was an adorable moment for this amazing couple.

The Halloween Heist Proposal

Every fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine knows that when October rolls around each year, it’s time for the Halloween Heist. This game is what the detectives play each year to determine who is the “Ultimate Human/Genius”.

In Season 5, Jake used this opportunity to propose to Amy in the most epic of ways. He engraved the wrestling belt that was the prize for the heist with the phrase, “Amy Santiago, will you marry me?” This moment and proposal instantly brought tears to the eyes of Peraltiago fans everywhere, especially when Amy said yes.

When Jake Realized He Wanted To Propose

When someone realizes they want to spend the rest of their lives with someone else it is a pretty huge moment for that person. Sometimes it doesn’t even take something substantial to make them come to this realization. It can be incredibly simple yet just as meaningful as the upcoming proposal itself.

That is exactly what happened when Jake realized he wanted to marry Amy and spend his life with her. All it took was her noticing a spelling error in the crossword puzzle she was doing that night, and he knew she was the one for him. As Rosa Diaz said, “Romantic epiphanies are dope.”

Jake Getting Through Prison By Talking To Amy

At the end of Season 4, Rosa and Jake are framed for a crime they didn’t commit and are sent to prison for it. It becomes the 99’s mission to free both of them and clear their names once and for all at the start of season 5.

While Jake is still imprisoned, he has to find ways to cope with this new life he leads, at least for the time being. He does this mostly by thinking of Amy. So when he gets an illegal cell phone in prison, the only person he wants to talk to is, of course, Amy. He’d rather hear her voice and risk further trouble than not talk to her at all.

Amy Dressing Up As Holly Gennero From Die Hard

One of the main running jokes throughout Brooklyn Nine-Nine is Jake’s major obsession with Die Hard and absolutely everything related to it. Which is why when Jake and Amy were on their honeymoon at the beginning of Season 6, Amy decides to spice up their intimacy a little bit by dressing up as Holly Gennero, the wife of Bruce Willis’ character, John McClane, in Die Hard.

Unfortunately, her fun plans were thwarted when Jake and Amy had to help their Captain come to his senses and not leave the 99. It was still not only a hilarious moment but really sweet that she would go to such great lengths to make Jake happy on their honeymoon.