When Brooklyn Nine-Nine first premiered in 2013, the dynamic between immature NYPD detective Jake and Captain Holt was introduced as being one of the focal points of the series. The pilot episode primarily revolved around the two getting to know each other, and countless episodes to follow focus heavily on fleshing out their relationship.

What began as a typical relationship between a captain and a detective has evolved significantly throughout Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s six seasons. Jake went from calling Holt a robot, to calling him “dad”. Holt went from viewing Jake as an immature kid to seeing Jake as his immature kid.

These two have no shortage of hilarious, touching, completely heartwarming moments throughout the series. Let’s take a look at 10 of the most lovable ones.


The eighteenth episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s first season is the first episode of the series in which Jake refers to Captain Holt as his dad. Jake notoriously had a rough and dysfunctional relationship with his father, who has appeared sporadically throughout the series, so his gravitating to Captain Holt is understandable.

The moment in which Jake calls Holt dad is as hilarious as it is heartwarming. Jake casually says, “thanks, dad” and then realizes that everyone is staring at him. Rosa points out that he just called Captain Holt his dad. Holt, amused, asks, “do you see me as a father figure, Peralta?”


When Kevin is being threatened by a dangerous man named Seamus, he must go into hiding. Jake wastes no time volunteering to accompany Kevin, and thus the two hideaway in a safe house, being frequently monitored by Captain Holt.

Once tiptoeing around the house and bingeing Nicholas Cage movies gets old for Jake and Kevin, the two attempt to go against Captain Holt’s ridiculously strict rules and leave the house. This episode was completely iconic, because not only does it feature some great relationship development for Holt and Jake, it also delves into Jake’s dynamic with Kevin.


Because of Jimmy Figgis’ evil ways, Jake and Holt are forced to join the witness protection program, in which they change their names, move to Florida, are told to cut off all contact with their friends and family back in Brooklyn, and their Marshal is portrayed by Maya Rudolph.

Holt and Jake change their names to Greg and Larry and have to adjust to life in sunny Coral Palms. Three episodes are utilized to focus on Jake and Holt’s misadventures in Florida, and it’s absolutely hilarious. The only thing better than watching Holt and Jake in their natural Brooklyn environment is watching them be neighbors in Florida.


Under the reign of the notorious Jimmy Figgis, Holt and Jake’s Florida adventure was taken too new levels when they got captured and had to find a creative way to escape. The dynamic between the two NYPD officers has always been one of many layers, so they wasted no time portraying the role of two husbands as a ploy.

Jake and Holt lock lips in an attempt to disgust their conservative redneck captors, and it works. There are no romantic connotations to this kiss; it was simply and hilarious and unforgettable moment.


Jake makes a pretty bad first impression on Holt when they first meet in the pilot episode. Jake calls Holt a robot, and Holt calls Jake immature and tells him to wear a necktie.

The iconic bond was off to a rough start, but this was just the beginning of a captivating friendship that grows as the series develops.


Despite being taciturn and comedically monotone, Holt is definitely the guy many members of the Nine-Nine turn to when they’re in need of advice. Many of his coworkers - especially Amy - see him as a mentor, and Jake is no exception.

In the early stages of his romance with Amy, Jake would frequently turn to Holt for relationship advice. Not only does this further their father/son bond, but it also makes the fact that Holt later officiates Jake and Amy’s wedding to be even more beautiful.


The season 5 finale was extremely special in every way. This episode was Jake and Amy’s wedding and was almost the final episode of the entire series. To make Jake And Amy even better, Holt beautifully officiates the intimate, makeshift ceremony.

Captain Holt had watched Jake and Amy’s romance progress; he had witnessed them go from competitive coworkers to soulmates. Additionally, both Jake and Amy view Holt as a father figure and a mentor, so the moment could not have been more perfect.


In a season 3 episode titled 9 Days, Jake and Holt both fall ill with the mumps and are forcibly quarantined for nine days. During this time, Brooklyn Nine-Nine treats viewers to some rewarding hilarity and shenanigans.

Not only are both Holt and Jake’s faces majorly swollen up, which is comedic on its own, but they are also extremely out of it and delusional, and watching them bumble around together is just amazing.


Halloween episodes are kind of a big deal on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The tradition started in the very first season was that a Halloween heist would be held at the precinct every year, and the series has certainly stuck to that promise.

What’s great about the Halloween heists is that it was the first time Jake brought out Holt’s fun, competitive side, and the two have been at it ever since.


Known as one of the most hilarious, memorable cold opens in Brooklyn Nine-Nine history, a season 1 episode titled Unsolvable opens with Holt entering the precinct with a splint on his wrists. The detectives speculate on how he got injured and come to the conclusion that it must have been an embarrassing incident.

Holt tells everyone that he tripped on an uneven sidewalk but then he takes Jake aside and privately tells him that he injured himself in a hula hooping class that he regularly attends with Kevin. Seeing Holt reveal this to Jake is hilarious alone, and the bonus is the picture that Holt shows Jake as proof.