Britney Spears is going to court to alter her custody agreement in order to get more time with her kids. Britney has had an up and down adult life, but in the past years has tried to make an effort to become a strong woman.

Her custody agreement was changed due to issues with her father. In August, it was reported that her father, Jamie Spears, got into a physical altercation with her son, Preston Spears, and Kevin Federline went to court to gain an emergency restraining order against his once father-in-law. Police did not end up filing any abuse charges against Jamie. Thanks to the argument Spears now has no relationship with her father as his actions caused her to lose equal custody of her sons.

The “Toxic” singer will be appearing in court next year to fight for more time with her two sons. The new action comes after the drama with her father and an altered custody agreement with her ex-husband and former backup dancer, Federline. According to Us Weekly, Spears was hoping to be able to spend an equal amount of time with Preston and Jayden, and her goal for Spears in the New Year is to procced to family court and petition the judge for more time with her two sons as she feels she is being represented unfairly in her current situation.

Spears will have her two teenage boys for Christmas Eve, but they will have to leave her on Christmas Day to be with their father. This past September, a judge told Spears that she would get her children 30 percent of the time; previously, she and Federline had a 50/50 agreement, beginning in 2007. The two parents do not have a very good relationship and hardly communicate with one another other, aside from sharing information regarding their children. According to reports, the two are friendly enough, but do not interact as a family.

While the new year is set to bring about many changes for Spears, there is a hearing set for January 22 to address Spears’ conservator status, where a formal report will be discussed addressing the situation. Last May, Spears was instructed to undergo an independent expert evaluation which would hopefully help end the conservatorship. Since 2008, her father had been her conservator, but after the argument with her son, Spears filed court documents to end his role. While everybody loves a comeback story, music fans everywhere just wish Spears a speedy journey back to her children and a positive 2020.

Next: 15 Interesting Facts About Britney Spears And Her Family

Source: Us Weekly