iPhone X owners who like dark mode apps will probably appreciate an iOS 11 concept created by an industrial design student at Britain’s Northumbria University.

Greek-born Maximos Angelakis has put together a comprehensive set of images showing how dark mode could look across a wide range of apps …

His work was, he says, inspired by watchOS, which uses black backgrounds to save power on its own OLED face. OLED screens use no power for black areas of the screen.

Perhaps optimistically eyeing power savings, Angelakis includes an always-on clock display with notification indicator.

His images show the notifications screen, Home screen, folders, Control Center, App Switcher, Settings, and a range of apps. He shows multiple screens for Contacts, Messages, Mail, App Store, Safari and Music apps, with single-screen illustrations of Health, Alarms, Maps, and Apple Pay.

I’m not a great fan of dark mode in apps, but have to admit that it all looks very slick.


Check out more in the gallery below.

Is this an option you’d like to see in iOS 11? Let us know your reactions in the comments.