According to Captain Marvel star Brie Larson, Carol Danvers could beat Superman in a fight. Danvers is of course the alter ego of Captain Marvel, whose cinematic debut is opening in theaters this weekend. Captain Marvel will likely play pivotal role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward, but her solo film centers around her stopping a war between the Kree and the Skrulls.

There have been several different versions of Captain Marvel over the years, but this movie is focusing on Kelly Sue DeConnick’s comic series. This version of Captain Marvel seems to have powers such as energy absorption, flight, cosmic awareness, photon blasts, and even a regeneration factor. Given Superman’s long history in the comic book world, his superpowers are a bit more commonly known, including superhuman hearing, heat vision, super breath, x-ray vision, and of course flight. Captain Marvel and Superman seem to be pretty evenly matched, but Larson has an opinion on who would win in a fight.

During her WIRED autocomplete interview, which just so happened to be the 100th autocomplete interview, Larson jokingly said that Captain Marvel would win in a fight against the Man of Steel. As most of these autocomplete interviews go, Larson answered some questions about her personal life before going into more questions that pertain to Captain Marvel. When coming to the question of whether Captain Marvel could beat Superman, Larson commented, “I can’t believe you even have to Google that, duh!". Larson’s full interview can be seen below.

Larson also revealed some interesting tidbits about Captain Marvel, such as the fact that she learned how to fight with both her left and right hands for the film. She also answered a question about Danvers’ powers (after she made sure nobody from Marvel was present), but simply says she got them from “a crazy blast”. As for the popular fan theory that the Avengers will undo Thanos destruction through time-travel in Avengers: Endgame, Larson interestingly says that her character doesn’t time travel. That being said, she could just be talking about the gap between the 1990s and the present day since the question simply asks, “Does Captain Marvel time travel?”.

As far as getting factual information about Captain Marvel goes, this interview from WIRED may not be the most informative since Larson is clearly joking with a lot of her answers. It is well known that Marvel and DC have had a rivalry for quite sometime, so Larson obviously had to say that Captain Marvel would beat Superman in a fight. It also probably wouldn’t have gone over too well with Disney and Marvel if she would have admitted another superhero could beat her, since Captain Marvel is said to be one of the most powerful characters in the MCU. With that in mind, fans can see how powerful Captain Marvel is for themselves when her film hits theaters tonight.

More: How Much Did Captain Marvel Cost To Make?

Source: WIRED 

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