Boy Meets World originally ran for seven seasons on the ABC Network after premiering in 1993. The series followed lead Cory Matthews, his best friend Shawn Hunter, and girlfriend turned wife Topanga Lawrence as they grew up and experienced the world for themselves. Throughout the years the three leads would be mentored by their teacher Mr. Feeny.

The show was successful and beloved by fans, eventually gaining its own Disney Channel spin-off series, Girl Meets World. Boy Meets World was funny and heartbreaking, unafraid to tackle more serious issues as the kids grew older. As much as the show taught its characters and viewers about life, some storylines have not survived the test of time.


This problem does not come from a storyline as much as the evolution of technology. After Topanga and her parents move to Pittsburg, she and Cory decide to stay in touch by writing letters. Over time Cory stops receiving letters from Topanga and is concerned about what that could mean. In today’s world, people would forgo handwritten letters for text messages. Staying in contact when far away is made easier by texting, social media, and video chat.

If the same episode was made today, Cory would not have to wonder if Topanga received his letter, texting would allow him to be certain of it. The feature that tells you if the message has been read would also be taken into consideration. Topanga deciding that it hurt too much to respond to Cory’s letters would not have been as justified an explanation for her lack of communication even if it was emotionally true.


Love triangles have been a very well known trope for years. They appear often to bring conflict to the forefront of the characters’ lives. In this case, while it may have brought humor to the show, as a plotline it falls a bit flat today. Rachel is introduced as a college student in need of a room after breaking up with her boyfriend and quickly moves in with Eric and Jack.

Unbeknownst to Rachel, who just enjoys being with two guys she considers to be friends, Eric and Jack are fighting over which one of them gets to date her. Their mentality places their beliefs over which one of them should be happy with Rachel over Rachel’s happiness and they do not worry much if she is attracted to either of them.


At first, Topanga was a straightforward, determined, young girl with a bit of a hippie personality. While still bright, her look on life is significantly different from the rest of the series. After the first season, she is much more logic-based. This change appears to have happened off-screen, and there is very little reference to the original personality during the series.

While in earlier seasons Eric was meant to be the laid back, cool older brother, he did not stay that way for long. About halfway through the show, he changed into the oblivious, dim-witted, person he is remembered as. Similar to Topanga there is not much reference to his originally written personality either. Instead, for the most part, both characters are treated like these attributes simply vanished.


The love triangle finally ends after the death of Shawn and Jack’s father, Chet. During his emotional turmoil, Jack acts on his feelings for Rachel and she reciprocates. Following them entering a relationship, their dating life hits a stump. While they are comfortable in their apartment or with close friends, Jack is not as willing to go out as Rachel is.

He admits that this is due to her height. Rachel is much taller than Jack and while this was not a problem for their friendship or his crush on her, it is somehow an issue when they are a couple.


Topanga faces insecurities about her weight when she looks at her friends. Upset, she enlists Eric to join her on a diet. She shows no interest in eating her usual waffle breakfast, causing Cory to be concerned as this is not normal for her. When he asks her, she says she has to go.

Concerned, Cory confides in Shawn and the two theorize that Topanga is pregnant. While watching Topanga and Eric, Cory figures that their theory must be right and confirms it with Shawn. Shawn tells this to Angela, who tells Rachel and so on, with no one confirming the rumor with Topanga, herself.


Mr. Feeny’s ability to turn a history lesson into a relevant discussion topic occurring in the lives of Cory and his friends is an integrated part of the series. Mr. Feeny acted as Cory’s main mentor, even ranking above his parents. Living next door and being a teacher in school, Mr. Feeny had a way of being everywhere.

However, Mr. Feeny acting as their teacher, principal, next-door neighbor, and college professor was always a bit too out there. In “Everybody Loves Stuart” he confesses that he may have protected them too much.


Cory and Topanga’s love story is one of the most focused in the show, however, it manages to contradict itself several times. In the show’s first season, Cory finds Topanga to be odd and has no romantic attachment to her. However, in later episodes, it is claimed that they played together as kids and that Eric made Cory embarrassed of spending time with her.

Later, it is stated that they were practically dating since they were toddlers. In Girl Meets World they make jokes about all the continuity contradictions that came up in the original series.


When Shawn loses sight of his identity he goes looking for solace and receives it in the form of a cult. Everyone tries to convince Shawn that this is not the right path for him and to step away. However, Shawn grips on tightly to his newfound friends until his teacher and parental figure, Jonathon Turner ends up in the hospital after a motorcycle accident.

Shawn appears at the hospital and goes to Mr. Turner’s bedside and speaks to him. However, Mr. Tuner never wakes up and is not seen again for the rest of the series. It is not until Girl Meets World that is fate is revealed.


In “The War” Cory, Shawn, and Topanga face-off against Jack, Angela, and Rachel in a prank battle. While things start with cars in dorm rooms and sticking to desk seats, it heats up in the next round. Cory and Shawn take things too far when they blow up a picture of Rachel and place it in a public place.

Underneath the first picture are multiple others. Cory and Shawn take it as a victory until Rachel cries, humiliated. They try to apologize, however, they had taken a private image and allowed everyone to view it without Rachel’s consent.


In the episode, “Everybody Loves Stuart” Topanga gets hit on by her professor, Stuart. Stuart visits Topanga in her dorm room and alludes to being attracted to her, touching her hand while sitting on her bed. She is uncomfortable and admits this to Cory after Stuart leaves. Cory speaks to Stuart, leading to a shove. They must sit in a hearing to discuss Cory’s possible suspension.

Mr. Feeny argues that Stuart should not have been in Topanga’s room at all while Stuart states that he has done nothing wrong and that Topanga had admitted to the location of her dorm room unprompted. Cory tells Dean Bolander about Stuart’s advances on Topanga. While Cory gets a day of suspension, Stuart is mildly insulted by Dean Bolander. In the end, things are loosely handled in terms of Stuart’s interactions with Topanga and Stuart is not reprimanded or given any penalty.