On checkbook journalism: Like any mainstream publication, BGR pays for photographs. Unlike most publishers, however, Geller has occasionally paid for news stories — most recently an e-mail exchange with Steve Jobs whose authenticity Apple disputed. See here.

On taking pre-release cellphones: He’ll do it, and later buy a phone to replace it, but only if he can satisfy himself that he’s not getting stolen property. “If the PIN is dead, that means it’s stolen.”

His relationship with Research in Motion: Although he claims RIMM’s share price jumped 30% after broke a story about the BlackBerry Pearl, he is not loved by top management. “I must have at least 100 cease-and-desist letters.”

On Apple’s security: “They’re tough. There’s nothing that’s not under their control. If there’s a leak, it’s either one of their people or their Asian manufacturers.”

On the prototype iPhone that Gizmodo purchased: “I wouldn’t have touched it with a 10-foot pole. Two reasons: 1) You know it’s stolen. 2) It’s Apple, so you know they’re going to come after you.”

On RIM: “Within two quarters, their market share is going to slide.”

On Microsoft Windows Phone 7:  “It’s down to Apple and Android.”